Common Rail Fuel Pressure Control Valve. This is a genuine BOSCH product from GERMANY. It’s NOT a Fake. The fuel pressure control valve comprises a fuel-cooled solenoid valve. The valve opening is varied by its solenoid coil being pulse width modulated at a frequency of 1 KHz. When the pressure control valve is not activated, its internal spring maintains. A fuel pressure of about 100 Bar. When the valve is activated. The force of the electromagnet aids the spring, reducing the opening of the valve. And so increasing fuel pressure. The fuel pressure control valve also acts as. A mechanical pressure damper, smoothing the high frequency pressure pulses. Emanating from the radial piston pump when less than three pistons are activated. This part is called by many names including. Fuel Measurement Solenoid Valve. BOSCH 0928400826 can be used in car models. CITROËN JUMPER Box (244) 2.3 HDi. CITROËN JUMPER Box 2.3 HDi. CITROËN JUMPER Bus (244, Z_) 2.3 HDi. FIAT DUCATO Box (244_) 2.3 JTD. FIAT DUCATO Box (250_, 290_) 110 Multijet 2,3 D. FIAT DUCATO Box (250_, 290_) 130 Multijet 2,3 D. FIAT DUCATO Box (250_, 290_) 130 Multijet 2,3 D 4×4. FIAT DUCATO Box (250_, 290_) 150 Multijet 2,3 D. FIAT DUCATO Box (250_, 290_) 150 Multijet 2,3 D 4×4. FIAT DUCATO Box (250_, 290_) 180 Multijet 2,3 D. FIAT DUCATO Platform/Chassis (250_, 290_) 180 Multijet 2,3 D. FIAT DUCATO Bus (244_) 2.3 JTD. FIAT DUCATO Bus (250_, 290_) 110 Multijet 2,3 D. FIAT DUCATO Bus (250_, 290_) 130 Multijet 2,3 D. FIAT DUCATO Bus (250_, 290_) 130 Multijet 2,3 D 4×4. FIAT DUCATO Bus (250_, 290_) 150 Multijet 2,3 D. FIAT DUCATO Bus (250_, 290_) 150 Multijet 2,3 D 4×4. FIAT DUCATO Platform/Chassis (244_) 2.3 JTD. FIAT DUCATO Platform/Chassis (250_, 290_) 110 Multijet 2,3 D. FIAT DUCATO Platform/Chassis (250_, 290_) 130 Multijet 2,3 D. FIAT DUCATO Platform/Chassis (250_, 290_) 150 Multijet 2,3 D. IVECO DAILY V Box Body / Estate 29L11 V, 35C11 V, 35S11 V, 4.. IVECO DAILY V Box Body / Estate 29L13 V, 35C13 V, 35S13 V, 4.. IVECO DAILY V Box Body / Estate 29L15 V, 35C15L V, 40C15L V.. IVECO DAILY V Dumptruck 35C11K, 35S11DKP. IVECO DAILY V Dumptruck 35C13K, 35C13DKP. IVECO DAILY V Platform/Chassis 26L11, 26L11D, 35C11D, 35S11.. IVECO DAILY V Platform/Chassis 29L13, 29L13D, 35C13D, 40C13. IVECO DAILY V Platform/Chassis 29L15 V, 35C15L V, 40C15L V. IVECO DAILY VI Box 33S11, 35S11, 35C11. IVECO DAILY VI Box 33S12, 35S12, 35C12. IVECO DAILY VI Box 33S13, 35S13, 35C13. IVECO DAILY VI Box 33S14, 35S14, 35C14. IVECO DAILY VI Box 33S15, 35S15, 35C15. IVECO DAILY VI Box 33S16, 35S16, 35C16. IVECO DAILY VI Box Body / Estate 33S12, 35S12. IVECO DAILY VI Box Body / Estate 33S14, 35S14. IVECO DAILY VI Box Body / Estate 33S16, 35S16. IVECO DAILY VI Platform/Chassis 33S11, 35S11, 35C11. IVECO DAILY VI Platform/Chassis 33S12, 35S12, 35C12. IVECO DAILY VI Platform/Chassis 33S13, 35S13, 35C13. IVECO DAILY VI Platform/Chassis 33S14, 35S14, 35C14. IVECO DAILY VI Platform/Chassis 33S15, 35S15, 35C15. IVECO DAILY VI Platform/Chassis 33S16, 35S16, 35C16. PEUGEOT BOXER Box 2.3 HDi. PEUGEOT BOXER Bus 2.3 HDi. May fits for other Makes / Models not listed!! Analogous, Fully interchangeable parts with BOSCH. 1 465 ZS0 033 71772310, DPV019. BOSCH 0928400826,0 928 400 826. Pressure regulator BOSCH 0 928 400 826 can be used on Fuel Pumps. BOSCH 0445010260,0445010319,0445010320,0445010452,0445010465,0986437096, FIAT 1609098080,5801386698,5801439062,5801940312, IVECO 1609098080,5801386698,5801439062,5801940312. Please make sure your existing part number matches one of the numbers listed above. If the number/s do not match, then the part will not work with your vehicle. NAMES AND NUMBERS ARE USED FOR REFERENCE ONLY! Shop web pages are owned and controlled for these purposes by EBOS SIA. Shop web pages, you agree that you may only download the content for your own individual and non-commercial use. You are not permitted to copy, broadcast, download, store, transmit, show or play in public, adapt or change in any way the content of these partsbos. Shop pages for any other purpose whatsoever, in any medium, without the prior written permission of partsbos. By International POST / GLOBALMAIL. To EU Countries (DHL Globalmail). To other European Countries (DHL Globalmail). To Australia and New Zealand (Australia Post , NZ Post). To China (China Post)!!! To other Countries(DHL Globalmail). Please note that the postal services do not work on weekends!! Di notare che il. Tenga en cuenta que. Los fines de semana. You can monitor your goods through the following website. So that we make things right and your impression remains most positive! And we don`t assume the duty of custom for all products in our shop. BOSCH 0 928 400 826. Fuel pressure control valve, CR System. BOSCH Druckregelventil – CR System. BOSCH ZAWOR DOZUJACY CR. BOSCH Regulator cisnienia – CR system. BOSCH Nyomásszabályozó szelep, common rail rendszer. BOSCH Spiediena regulators Bosch Common-Rail-Systemai. BOSCH Regulador de presión – CR Systema. BOSCH Regulador de pressão – CR Sistema. BOSCH????????????????????? – CR System. BOSCH Regulator tlaka – CR. BOSCH Regulátor tlaku – CR System. BOSCH Regulator tlaka – CR sistem. BOSCH Paineensäädin – CR System. BOSCH Regolatore di pressione – CR System. BOSCH Valvola regolapressione – Sistema Common-Rail. BOSCH Regulator de presiune – CR System. BOSCH Tryckregulator – CR System. BOSCH Þrýstingur eftirlitsstofnanna – CR System. BOSCH??????????????? – CR System. BOSCH???????????????? , ?????????????????? . BOSCH?????????????????????????????? CR. BOSCH??????????????? CR. Thank you for visiting our store! We carry wide range of quality automotive parts at affordable prices. Please bookmark us and come again!