Fuel Injection Pressure Regulator IPR Valve & ICP Sensor for 6.0L 3-10 Ford. Built to strict quality control standards. 5C3Z-9C968-CA, 5C3Z9C968CA, 3C3Z9C968AA, CM5126. CM-5126, 5C3Z-9C968-CA, 5C349C968CA, 1846057C1, AP63417, W3250216, HTV102, CM-5054. 1 Injection Pressure Regulator Valve. 1 Injection Control Pressure Sensor. 1 Injection Control Pressure Sensor Connector. Built to strict quality-control standards. Stock parts direct replacement. 1 x Injection Control Pressure Sensor / ICP. 1 x Injector Pressure Regulator Valve / IPR. I typically respond to messages immediately. I DO NOT WANT YOUR BUSINESS!!